Monday, February 22, 2010

Addendum and Response to Rabid Readers

Dear Monster,

Unlike some of the stereotypical "asian flowers", Yukie does not ever intend to
win the Ms. Congeniality award. While she was the Sweetheart for the High School
boys Key Club, and went on to become State Key Club Sweetheart, her personal
resume has always included the need to speak the truth as she knows it.

If in case Korean American readers are wondering why they are not mentioned
in my previous article, it is because their population in Hawaii is so small. And we
know that Korean women are not ever known to be "asian flower" lovers, rather
they are fighters to the fullest extent. Very valuable.

While my former partner, Mr. Asian Sexiest Man Alive, may one day read this,
he can be assured that every Ms. Filipina is waiting for him at the door to provide
the unconditional love, admiration and submission he desires.

He should be an inspiration to Men Overcoming Violence throughout the country. I
tried my best to impress to others on Maui who do not appreciate the political move-
ment to de-construct sexuality based on unacknowledged power dynamics that he
really is not a dangerous person. In fact, he is a model of how certain counseling
programs and how a politically open-minded climate can result in real transforma-
tion. Those whispering about "deviant" sexual practices as though they are taboo
are the very ones who obsess about what they don't understand.

Fortunately, Yukie has never had much interest in anything considered sexually
deviant. For her, it is all too simple to respect and take care of someone she chooses
to be with, even if it's for a brief period of time. Why mess things up with power
struggles when life is far too short to create theatre for bedside misplaced anger?

Yes, she likes to be patronizing with those who enjoy intellectual foreplay. For
those in the SF Bay Area who know how to read between the lines, soon Yukie will
be known at the "short" nurse who overcame male/class-based institutional terror
only to define and publicly articulate their "short" comings for historical records.



Dear Monster,

Now that there are active, legitimate, parallel, verifiable actions for accounta-
bility through investigative agencies on a federal level, the stage is ready for the
next phase of engagement in the public sector.

The deep ignorance and indifference to any type of constitutionally sound process
for checks and balances has caused an obstruction by the criminal-minded. They
really do not know the difference between a liberal and an anarchist and that they
are on opposite sides of the ideological map, they don't know the difference between
a liberal and a progressive, they don't know that it matters to think about these

They don't know the difference between a far-right Christian conservative and a
conservative, they don't know that even the Unabridged Dictionary from
the East Coast, found at Endangered Pieces relic
shop in Makawao, has
the wrong definition of what a political anarchist lives and believes.

They really don't know the difference between market liberals and academic liberal
thinkers. They don't even try to think about why the ACLU in Hawaii was run by
primarily Chinese American women who were educated at elitist Punahou School
in Honolulu. They don't know that many Chinese Americans have contempt for
Japanese Americans, and likewise. They don't know that Filopino Americans are
often not even acknowledged by Chinese and Japanese Americans.

They have no idea of the hatred between Polynesian groups and intra-groups.
They have no idea that unlike the Pew Census dictates, Asian Pacific Islanders
have not, nor will ever stand together as an economic base unless it is forced on
them artificially.

Finally, Mari Masuda, that infamous Japanese American attorney from Hawaii
who taught and lectured with Georgetown University on her resume, really does
not have a body. Her book, Where is my Body? about the inequities within the
legal constitutional body is an apt title. If you have ever seen and heard her in
person, as I have, you will agree she has no body. And as per her own admission,
she has absolutely no role in any strategic planning to actively construct dissent
and dismantle inequities right before and during her "free-ride" to Georgetown
University tenure.

Yukie Yamada has never, nor will ever involve herself with "race-based" political
organizing, nor has she ever received any benefits from such efforts in any place,
Hawaii included. She has claimed no privilege nor entitlement from her Japanese
American background. She is firmly committed to opportunity based on merit,
not any class/race-based system derived from the usual sources of elitism.

If this scares the hell out of the status quo in America, it should. Take a look at
our President, his policies and what he said before, during and after his election.
He is not from slave roots. He is first-generation biracial African American, get it?
It's all about me. That is his policy. Democrats got what they deserved, and the
rest of the country can now claim that Obama is no better than Bush.

Everyone deserves better, except for the hypocrits who are still living behind a
transparent veil of hypocrisy and despair. Excluded from the latter is Yukie's former
partner in San Francisco who was probably type-cast for his unusual status as looking
like the half-Asian-guy-on testosterone who is an avid fan of Mari's book and on the
opposite side of the political map as Yukie. He has compassion for women who do not
have their lower chakras fully engaged, if you know what I mean. He can thank me
for getting them introduced when he does his own speech on personal transformation
for the "angry-men-of-color" lecture circuit.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Prosecuting Attorneys National Group Confirming

Today, I found that some dumb fuck worthless shit no-good wire terror
groups stole my blog entries from the Advertiser's blog since yesterday.
This was reported to Gannett, the Honolulu Advertiser and everyone else
in the world as Hawaii's localized terror effort to suppress the truth.

For the record, in December 2008, around the time Deep Throat, the
notorious informant, died I made calls to administrators in all relevant
information agencies in the State of Hawaii, including the office on Maui
and the Dept of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. My complaint was
about the wide use of Microsoft Explorer program on state computers
at the Workforce Development Resource Center in Wailuku, As an
unemployment applicant and terror crime victim, I had serious and
verifiable problems with privacy issues.

As per all news reports Microsoft Explorer programs were deemed a
security risk by Microsoft company itself with other countries issuing
security alerts via news service sites. The BIG HOLE with losing our
proprietary information may be doing a zippity-do-da right out the site
where that leaky fiber optic was penetrated in Ulupalakua or some
where near the Kihei Research Technology Park as reported by the
Maui News in 2009.

Who's loss is that Hawaii? YOURS, including all of YOUR records of
state affairs and correspondence. haha. With our "esteemed" State
Attorney General married to his own Assistant Attorney General, a
life-long employee of the State of Hawaii government, we understand
that being in a place where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy
has even more importance. The State Attorney General's Office has
no real legitimacy with this type of conflict of interest, even if it is only
based on perception.

Where or where are our well-paid, well-pensioned public officials in
this matter? Attorneys in Hawaii are hoping the public really is as stupid
as they appear.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Documented: Psycho-wars of the Up and Coming

Dear Monster,

The news feeds these days seem to have become part of the psych0-war on
the minds of the public. Tweaking the mind is a well known way to terrorize
or create fear to condition the public into inaction. This "it'll never get better"
defeatist mind-set prevails these days.

The "soft" brain takes in suggestion of the worst or the best then internalizes
this as what is likely. The Commerical Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the master
of all advertising slogans to demean or inspire. It's been written about for eons.
We live in the information swirl, so obviously the best weapon for better or
worst is information systems. duh.

Recently, I queried about the responsibility of an attorney or someone in a
fiduciary role when their client has been declared a 5150 designation. A 5150
designation is a psychiatric hold by medical or legal professionals, or someone
who has direct, legal authority over a dependent. This is used to control all
decision-making processes. What is the responsibility of an attorney when
there is a client who had not demonstrated consistent patterns of understand-
ing their legal obligations and parameters? In the case of a complaint process,
I think attorneys should need to take extraordinary actions to demonstrate
that public safety concerns should be a priority over their financial motives.

How many law enforcement officers, public officials and members of the
educated elite have 5150's in their records? Quite a few more than we are
aware. They are, after all, all subject to irrational moments while in a role
of responsibility for lives.

Well, this is all for today.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Anti - corruption alert: TOEJAM BLITZ REPORT

Dear Monster,

More insane candidates abound in my midst. They say behavior that is
inconsistent with frequent episodes of bizarre, hostile destructive incidents
is a way that drugs are trafficked without speaking about it. Maui has a
problem, a big problem. Those who are aware of the gaps in timely and
effective law enforcement and prosecution should consider the concept of
public radio programs, online newsletters and group sessions to enhance
the participation of all in the community. It goes beyond "report-a-crime"
programs in high schools. It is the creation of a mind-set and culture.

TOEJAM BLITZ REPORT, a consumer advocacy newsletter, was started
while Yukie was an unemployment applicant in November 2008. Her former
work as a slave to abusive, poorly-run health and social services agencies
should serve as more than enough information about how consumers can
attack institutions, agencies and officials who allow abuse and profit from
cover-up of abuse to continue.

The target was programs that receive federal funding through state inter-
mediaries. The collusion between sickos, criminally inclined clients, state
case workers who do not know practices and policies of privacy, and who
do not believe that health care services providers have a right to live free
from drugs, free from crime and free from harassment is legendary on

These policies will be evaluated for the way state agencies have profit
motives through passive neglect and criminal negligence to create certain
conditions that result in a hostile legal complaint process at the expense
of those who do not have an agenda for exploitation. It will be shown that
it is far more profitable for state agencies and attorneys, sometimes clients,
to allow abuse to occur in order to document a need for increased services.

These corrupt policies provide the fat cow for democrat state systems that
hold funds from the federal budget whether or not services are rendered,
implemented with standards, or even when clients are not alive. In the case
for "healing"and preventive programs, there are no standards of measurement
for outcome success except for the testimony of credible participants over a
period of years. Most healing programs for addiction resulted in an increase
in addiction within an ever-growing network of programs for recovery. After
all, there is no cure for addiction, only management.

Do the research, it's already been done, said, documented on record.

Lacking in creativity and oomph, residents and leaders on Maui missed
the boat on dealing with violence and drugs in their community. If there
is an economic base for maintaining a continuous flow of addicted souls
to addiction treatment and prevention programs, surely there is an eco-
nomic base for "how-to" programs for victims in order to make effective
criminal complaints through sound advocates in our communities. duh.

Sponsors would have the reputation for confronting the evil empire of drug
cash flow and do so with internal policies within their own systems. Think
about it. Who would be unhappy with this? Those who find controlling addicts
and victims profitable. They are more than sinister, they are the worst-of-
the-worst and many look like your grandmother or uncle.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

SHAME STUDIES - Hawaii's Petri-dish Profile

dear monster,

hawaii's desperate operation to cover-up the truth about themselves and
their sadistic, totalitarian "not-so-intelligence" system has been exposed.
perhaps those academics wanting to "study" victims through the mechanism
of abuse will want to know that THEY are now the subject of a field called
"Shame Studies". how individuals/groups/institutions behave when they
are immersed in their own humiliation.

although the Pew Census group wants all people of color, in particular, those
they call "asian pacific islanders" as a group to dimiinish any sense of deeper
understanding of diverse cultures and economies, there are cultural tendencies
with regard to how one deals with shame, or being caught with the pants down
so to speak.

to all those groveling in their own shame, remorse and guilt AFTER being
exposed, i say "spread your cheeks" to the study. you may find that rather
healing, and others in domestic terror study circles may find it informative.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

this ain't no

Dear Monster,

Recently, I found an old acquaintance on internet news site. He and I
both worked as Critical Care Nurses at Mt. Zion in San Francisco during the early
90's and spend many months taking leave from the country to travel. His mountain
climbing of Everest and other peaks left him wanting to live and work in a rural place
in Afghanistan. My own adventures led me to living in Mexico and parts of South
America before working in Madras at Don Bosco de Beatitudes as a volunteer in 1993.

After he became famous for having written a book about the decade he spent in a
rural area near Warizstan, I saw him on various cable news programs trying to build
support for certain types of humanitarian development.

I wondered out loud if this type of publicity actually causes more harm than good
for those he served. Frequently, there is an exoticizing of foreign efforts for children
even if those efforts are well-conceived. I wondered also if he had experienced some
type of pressure to create public relations statements based on those who provided
him this profit-making opportunity.

News systems, in particular those that exoticize foreign cultures and peoples, can
be one of the worst types of exploitation known in modern culture. Think about the
impact of a hurried and opportunistic venture to influence the hearts and minds of
a completely different nation that is seeped in its own conflicts of tradition.

I would not want any broadcast on any activity deemed to be for the
sake of humanity given what we know to be profit interests in news media, however,
in a case where war conflicts are being actualized without real coverage by the main-
stream press, maybe his example led to saving lives. It's difficult to know really.

During my time in Madras, Indian priest from a seminary affiliated with Don Bosco
de Beatitudes spoke with me about the nature of his service to India and why he
chose to remain in India in spite of having a visa to live elsewhere. His choice to
become a Catholic priest did not prevent him from writing about his own sexuality
and fears of having this human vulnerability. This controversial poetry was found
in public bookstores. He believed that his poetry was needed to humanize himself
and others who passionately chose a life of service in devotion to their faith. How
would this choice be understood or misunderstood in America? I think this priest
knew that america had its own demons as india has theirs.

Voyeurism, unlike the underlying sexual impulse in most human interactions, is not
human nature. It is a perverse form of control for those who see that others are without
their own presence in modernity. This perversity may be the root of why the prevalence
of surveillance equipment/technology in the public is more like a gambling enterprise
in that it inspires the worst of human nature.


Counter terror wi-fi agent is not a Monster

Today the FBI news service press release reported an arrest for child prostitution
in Hawaii over the Super Bowl weekend. The US Attorney's office of South Florida
made this announcement. The reason this is significant is because frequently such
crimes of sexual enslavement involve a collusion of profit stakeholders who withhold
information/evidence for sale, trade and barter. Yukie Yamada called the Human
Trafficking Hotline in Washington DC from Maui in 2006-07 to report violations in
her own life based on slanderous letters sent to her from the Hawaii FBI and Maui
Police Department Chief's office.

Being an international port of destination for those traveling abroad, there is word
that Hawaii is one of the most notorious for human trafficking and sex slavery of
minors. In fact, our own former Hawaii Tourism Authority, Randy Johnson, was
exposed for using his email and internet service for alleged child porn. Mr. Johnson
was given a slap on the wrist and had his yearly salary reduced from $240,000 to
$200,000 by the HTA Board of Directors. Governor Lingle chastised him during
last year's Presidential campaign then insisted that he be removed from his role.

Remember Super Bowl 2009 when Arizona Comcast viewers got a 30-second porn
clip during the final touchdown pass to a player named Fitzgerald? It was a scandal
and made internet news worldwide. This video is found on

I know there are rumors that avant-guard sexual practices are frequently sought
after by those who research human behavior, deviance and dysfunction. Having
peripheral knowledge of such "sexual underground" sub-cultures, I can comment to
the fact that American society is driven by their ongoing denial that unfulfilled sexual
desire is perverted into violence of all forms, including what we see in our economy,
government and social intercourse.

I once wrote the Monster at the Federal Reserve that our economic stimulus bill
was like a wire lift-up bra after broken breast silicon implants had turned certain
markets into laisez faire bungee cord practices for quick profits. Using sexually
charged innuendo is a common psychological tactic in business to engage the deeper
instinct and reflex often subjugated by so-called civilized societies. Some say having
our lower chakras "in the dark" means that the natural urge of passion and fertility
are not fully experienced.

Pedophilia is more than this urge of passion, it is a form of domination and abuse
of power at the deepest level of humanity. We want counter-terror wi-fi agent to
know that Microsoft Explorer and all of its holes were being used by State agencies
and officials, likely including our former HTA Director Randy Johnson, while other
countries in Western Europe issued a security alert for Explorer programs since
2008 as reported by the BBC.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

intelligence conundrum update - a considerable lack of credibility

dear monster,

since i've been writing to you, many who spy on or steal my email here are wondering who
you are. now that i have my own proprietary Dear Monster blog site, it's time to answer
some of these unanswered questions that have led to fatal and critical errors.

some think that YOU are the "worst-of-the-worst" in all criminal enterprise. many are
convinced that YOU are a drug trafficking evil-doer. some see a thick-skinned gangster
figure with gold chains and gold teeth smiling through this blog. others perceive that i
am referring to the security/intelligence totalitarian effort in our systems of industry and
defense. obviously, "monster" conjures up an image of a big, bad entity capable of doing
violence and destruction for their own gain. hmm.

the metaphor is, of course, a counter-force to angels and trumpets. those who are of
the creative mind-set (like me) use "monster" to mean the inherent potential for human
evil that lives within all of us. systems sometimes are like organisms that become very
monster-like. in any case, "monster" in my writings only existed because i wrote to him.
he represented the unknown unknown in my perception within systems of information.
kind of like the "no such agency" (nsa) system of information.

construction of the abstract in systems of information, commerce and security must be
the fifth dimension of of reality. does it really exist? it really doesn't matter as long as
there are tangible systems run by humans that perpetuate this reality. it takes "balls"
or cajones, as they say, to participate with this type of abstraction while holding the
realization that it may not exist at all if many did not validate it. just like our ailing demo-
cracy, fragile and tested these days.

i may not be a big bad monster, but i have cajones enough to have continued writing
to monster for all these years thinking that he might construct a different abstraction
when it comes to the sale, trade and barter of value, both human and material. after
all, it is difficult to know if statistics and numbers representing the sale, trade and
barter within our economy are based on anything real. who knows how many barrels
of oil china uses for their manufacturing? who knows how many barrels of oil exists
in iraq oil fields these days?

the problem in hawaii with their "not-so-intelligence" systems is that they rely on
limited sources of information filtered through a limited frame of reference. i can
guarantee that that "detective" who claims to be from Air Force intelligence did not
keep up with the operational realities of surveillance technology, nor did he quite
understand the known unknowns within maui information systems since the state
of hawaii made monsanto bio genetic engineering firm our fastest growing corpora-
tion since 2007. for all we know, soon we'll all be clones with corn ears growing out
of our heads.

some of the veggies grown from seeds bought locally look like clones. all plants with
all stems and leaves growing all at the same size growing at exactly the same angle with
exactly the same shiny color. frightening. some say it's a conspiracy. when a company
like monstanto dominates on maui, all advertising dollars, hence all information groups
end up on their payroll somehow. too bad for our "intelligence" groups here.

it is a case of a considerable lack of credibility on hawaii's part. as for this detective,
i have no idea what happened to him since our last phone conversation, but perhaps
his attorney clients may want to see if anyone claiming to have kidney failure and
heart disease as a result of having been poisoned while in Air Force intelligence service
passes their psychiatric exam.

yukie yamada's article in 2007 posted on the internet, an illegitimate quest for intelligence, describe how the pentagon's disastrous "talon" program was dismantled on september 17,
2007 after abuses were exposed. "talon" attempted to use local not-so-intelligence spies
to walk, with, talk with and spy on groups who protested defense war policies. this ease of
sharing information likely encouraged misuse and abuse of information gathered by for-
profit surveillance networks on the ground. according to the wall street journal, this
information from talon was provided to the fbi counter-terror office after september

what a scam, especially in a place like maui where delusional individuals insist on making
their irrelevant lies and lives a part of this information sharing. see my article posted on last month about this.
