Guess what?! The USA Pimp Machine is now exposed. They sell,
trade and barter lives, dignity and souls through a well-coordinated
mechanism with other organizations and profit-engines so that they
can find a "happy ending" to all torture, abuse and injustice.
Who's looking for a happy ending? Those who cannot take knowing
the truth. I say, if you can't stand the truth, you should find a way to
live as a traded and bartered soul or get rid of yourselves. If you are
just looking for a little help, then go figure that exploiting known
victims so that you aren't victimized yourselves may be like having
a bumper sticker as an affluent white professional that says: Help
the nigger in your neighborhood. You know, what's the fucking point.
The truth is now out through platforms that do not appear totally
exploitive. Unlike the fiasco of Congress giving out kazillions to
Native Americans through legislation passed right on the eve of Thanks-
giving 2010 to "honor" their cultural heritage so that this Prezy gets to
have one more "people-of-color" political platform for his voting bloc.
Since Tunisia got rid their dictator tyrant President this past month,
Egypt is now trying to get rid of their's through the help of social media
networking like Facebook and Twitter. The news media has continuous
reporting on this crisis with the public uprising seen on television. It
seems that most Egyptians are impoverished while Egypt receives an
annual $1.5 billion from the USA.
CNN had nice looking dark-skinned fem journalists who looked sad,
confident and academic. Reporting with the same boring video clips of
chanting, angry young-ish Arab/Palestinian males with some older women
who still wore traditional head covering sitting amongst the males, even
Wolf Blitzer conveyed concern.
Fox News did a comprehensive show with Geraldo, the best reporting
I've seen on the crisis with implicit understanding that it is an issue of
economic repression in the context of a monarchy, Muslim/Christian
religious conflicts in the digital age in a region that has been useful to
the USA Pimp Machine with news media.
Hilary Clinton also appeared on Fox News. "I don't think it's chaos
that they want, I think they want their grievances to be addressed" she
said like a USA Super Hero who went to cultural diversity sensitivity
training. After all, it's the economy, stupid. Peace is not the cure for
deep injustice. Don't expect them to take hand-outs like nice poor
people who are grateful for late night crumbs.
Even George W. Bush appeared on television. He was on an interview
with Brian Lamb from C-span tonight. He looked like a gruff cowboy
sitting on stage in front of Southern Methodist University (SMU) college
students in an auditorium. He said that he was convinced that it would
be women in Arab countries and in Egypt that would stabilize and lead it's
crisis into more democratic changes. After all, even the Department of
Defense said last month that they support a "level playing field" for men
and women in the military. I saw that on Fox News, too.
It's a disaster. Knowledge leads to truth about what is possible. Mahalo
Mr. Zuckerburg, CEO and Founder of Facebook and those other guys from
Twitter who are all late twenties of age, genius, famous, kind of rich and
most of whom are Jewish American.
Somewhere in the Bible it is said: Love rejoices in the truth. In a time
when deep injustice is evident, what's a USA Pimp Machine to do?