Monday, March 12, 2012

Excerpt from note sent to ad hoc press contacts via Facebook

(first two paragraphs edited sent 3/12/12)

Based on verification by former officials at this place of residence, there are multiple ad hoc plans for transition into safe haven for Yukie Karen Yamada. Such plans include known and specific news contacts/officials who do not have a conflict of interest having received voice messages directly from my cell phone, and messages from my proprietary social media sites, from email and via hand-written notes sent via a Maui fax site.

In the event of urgent transport, Joseph Biden will contact directly by phone known and specific journalists who have been in contact with him re: this incident of wire/id fraud from Joseph Biden's Facebook page with a msg delivered to Yukie Karen Yamada's site/email. This fraudulent msg carries the name of a person who has been named on

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Urgent msg sent via web email 3/10/12

Urgent: wifi wire hacking at this private site on Maui. Pls fwd this msg directly to news contact (confidential contact name) who received my Facebook note from Yukie Karen Yamada re: hacked social media sites from elected officials reported per Maui fax to such officials. From victim's perspective, I am attacking financial crimes related to repeated exploitation use of civilian's privacy while victims receive no due process nor legitimacy from law enforcement, state agencies and criminal justice agencies. Letters Yukie has received denied need to address cyber terror crimes in information systems on local, state and federal level despite flaws in Patriot Act laws being exposed by all press.
NO INTEREST IN ANN CURRY AS CONTACT FOR ME, pls receive this on 3/10/12 No further contact via this email from Yukie Karen Yamada. My support is ad hoc condemning all Stryker Weiner contact via NYT, CNN, NPR and SF Chronicle.
Each news groups has been able to authenticate above intent.
Case against criminal, malicious, terroristic use of information systems, including but not limited to telecom, wifi, internet and systems designated for private sector use only. Civilians live with dead court system, drug corruption and no cyber agency to receive complaints as reported in the local press.

All rights and ownership on my privacy and those who claim to have contact with Yukie Yamada in person in past and in perpetuity belong to my terms for transition for safe haven designation and self-governance model based on existing legislation. My safe have designation proposal has been received by technology design executives.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Hawaii 96708

Friday, March 9, 2012

THE PILE by Yukie Karen Yamada

See Yukie Yamada's other Twitter newsletter THE PILE and
her column Daily Slice, aka Eyes Ears Tongue.

Her own news Bulletin Update for Leaders and Lawmakers:
Special High Intensity Training (BULLSHIT) was written and
started from the computer at the Unemployment Center in
Wailuku in 2008.

Advise Congress and/or Criminal Justice agencies that those
who are with deepest conflicts of interests have been reading
my newsletters on the internet since December 2009. If they
in Congress and those in investigative groups form their own
ad hoc urgent response team to review all details, I'm certain
that the rest of the world's thinking population will see that
it was a conspiracy of silence by Democrats in Hawaii and in
California that caused this mess, and not a major conspiracy
against humanity by America.

Prepare for the best, but always expect the worst has been my
motto for over 6 years. Claim your turf for having served all
self-sovereign souls, and demand renumeration if you have in
all consistency carried the message that enough is enough. Lies
by stakeholders and leaders are known and proven.

The world's stage has been watching the sort of hubris that in
all access of legitimacy, chose to remain in the dark about such
details found on Yukie Yamada's newsletters.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Maui

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Dear Monster! So many faux Monsters have shown up recently,
wagging, nagging, gagging in Yukie's sphere of private influence.
They are not Monsters who have known Fernie since 2007, tho'
we finally got the Postal Inspector call in from the federal agent
who confirmed mail fraud/tampering from a Maui Post Office
in 2008-09. After Yukie received a letter from the Investigative
Office in Chicago, she confirmed with the Post Master and his
employee on Maui who recommended she make this complaint.

Wouldn't ya know, it was a tampered delivery of a letter sent via
certified mail with return receipt to the Navy Criminal Investiga-
tive Services after Yukie spoke and corresponded per email in an
effort to understand their jurisdiction. Seems that suspicious
tampering of a delivered letter resulted in a call from both a male
and female investigator.

Well, it all goes together. The private intel firm from Austin, TX
that got 5 million memos leaked from WikiLeaks last week have
defense contractor clients who are in Hawaii with their so-called
risk-reduction programs and R&D harvesting of intel.

Should u wonder, Yukie claims that while deprived of gainful
income and legitimate business access since 2004, commensurate
of known experience and capabilities, any type of news exposing
intricacies within private intel firms, cause and effect of cash flow
in Hawaii's economy is of interest to her. After all, many will and
have reported stolen intellectual programmatic property from
her own development used without her name and permission.

It all goes together, really. reporting on how classified
$$ is funneled around the world in the "shadow" budgets with few
checks and balances and how monies are used for experimentation
is part of the intrigue in minds of Americans who are hurting for
financial security. How does information get harvested, for whom
and for whose profit?

Blame private sector pressures on intelligence-led policing with
dead court systems, and you'll find the Blondie Matinee at Maui
Police Department in support of our drug-free community. My
request has been to contact the US AG in CA Fresno for any type
of meth/marijuana related links to their investigation.

Yes, I called Fox News regional offices with names of former fed
officials who will confirm their knowledge of Hawaii's fall from
cyber intelligence grace as a state with no cyber investigative team.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Maui