Friday, March 26, 2010

MONSTER ALERT: Epiphany at Bay

Monster Alert! Monster Alert!

Wild Fern (aka Yukie Yamada) had an epiphany while killing mold,
mildew and fungi from the crafted redwood staircase at her current
living area. She envisioned that secure social networks that have
capability to protect intellectual property on their systems will soon
offer a different type of news feed.

Vinegar fumes will soon be the next offering in San Francisco club life,
just like high dose oxygen bars/cafes peppered the scene in the early
2000's. "have your epiphany today", say no to illegal drugs.

Artificial intelligence circuits will produce news feeds with multiple
points of reference, all visibly designated for news consumers that
demand a conscious choice in dealing with an issue. After all, we all
know, Monster, that there are multiple "realities" occurring at the
same time, don't we? Just like movies CD's these days offer a few
different "endings" to their favorite movie.

No more gravy rendition for the dumbed down robot masses who
sit passively watching and reading the news. News consumers in
America want new to reflect tangible, verifiable reality. Fantasy
is the realm of the film industry.

No such agency has ever claimed Americans right to interpretive
variance in policy-making. coffeeshopmonster is the first egalita-
rian news feed in the whole world!

Google announced yesterday that they are shutting down their
operations in Mainland China. So is Go Daddy domain company,
the cyber-condominium lease holders of the internet. That should
decrease some of the information leaking into news feed groups.

What is real, anyway? Today Yahoo! news service has an article
from Frederic Frommer AP that government grants were awarded
to 20 fake products from Energy Star, a company looking for innova-
tion in energy efficiency. The Government Accountability Fraud
Office, the agency that investigated and exposed defense contractor
Halliburton's crimes in the Iraq War, released this press story to
the New York Times.

AP (Associated Press) has some weak articles in the Maui News
on a daily level about the health care reform scam passed a few
days ago by a few votes in Congress. Mr. Hoff, the Editor of the
Maui News, should be able to answer some questions about why
they don't have journalists who know how to frame issues for the
public with truthful and accurate viewpoints.

Meanwhile, Wild Fern gets to pan fry venison tonight for her
protein intake. Can't live on Cheerios alone.

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