Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Protect and Preserve Right to Political Freedom of Expression

Dear Monster,

Yukie knows that you've been worried.  She hasn't been able to keep
regular entries on her self-published proprietary internet sites for over 2
months after the major hack into private laptops on Maui.  While the
threat by cyber terror pros, aka Anonymous, from CA targeted global
religious institutions' information centers, cable news remained as inert
and misleading as ever about prevailing risks/threats.

Worry-warts and whispers are now seriously aware of the realization
by "tho$e $ort" of people that our news/information systems are now
safely decentralized.  Digital news won.  Old-school news wire trans-intel
systems with print media have for the first time felt afraid.  Now you
know why aka Anonymous is allowed to stalk the digital/mobile realm
without any cry for crisis by this defunct President and his Defense Dept.

This past weekend hosted a live broadcast on cable news of the annual
Washington DC Correspondent's Dinner.  The usual format includes some
famous comedic performer saying awful and funny things about elected
officials who sit at their side on a staged buffet table.

This event proved that Prezy Obama ain't dead.  He sat on stage about
10 feet from Jimmy Kimmel who skewered right to left, especially the
guy who has Commander-in-Chief privileges.  He said, "Remember
how everyone voted you in office and thought it would improve the
world? What a hilarious joke that turned to be, huh?"

I called in a message to Mr. Kimmel thanking him for demonstrating that,
at very least, Americans have the right to political freedom of expression
in the context of creative performance.  After all, it wasn't even a joke.
It's just the truth!  Even Joseph Biden called for Obama's impeachment
while speaking on cable news in March 2011.

Monster alliances to Yukie, aka Fern, worried about her "reaching out"
to Joseph Biden on her Facebook page.  Not to worry, I have every
possible option on the table, including a pre-nuptial should he consider
thatYukie has considerable needs to manage her considerable material
worth.  Soon he'll see in person that she has intrinsic worth, too.  He
totally supports her right to political freedom of expression.  She sent
yet one more fax in her handwriting today from a postal site on Maui.

Joseph Biden's recent visit to Mexico and Honduras to hear their
complaints and concerns of policy hypocrisy by this administration in
dealing with ongoing dangers of transnational drug gang cartels.
Senators,especially Republicans, are aware that Yukie has declared
herself in transition to safe haven, free from organized crime, industry,
commerce and government control.

Senators, especially Democrats, are now aware that Joseph Biden's
writings about cyber risks/threats in the Asian Pacific region by Chinese
defense firms have persisted in being an unaddressed problem.  Stolen
intellectual property and corporate espionage is not of fantasy novels.
It is documented, reported and known to infect even law-abiding
civilians/citizens like Yukie Yamada.

Yukie's claim to full rights for free of cost attorney fees is based on
submitted documents and legitimate investigative efforts of slander,
defamation and incitement of violence by those in positions of authority.
Such documents were sent via fax to officials who do not have a
conflict of interest in an ad hoc process to assist in achieving safe haven
designation and conditions for Yukie.

Cause and effect have proven that what has happened to Yukie is a
symptom the larger problem of failed governance, procedural
malice/neglect, and obvious system-based intimidation for deprivation
of rights for a victim that could prove her complaints since 2005 of
technology-based violence incitement by corrupt stakeholders who
had access to her privacy and intellectual property.

Mr.Kimmel's roast on our government made the world a better place,
and made Americans recognized that in absence of a functioning, sound
government, there are such rights that should be defended.

As for the sexual misconduct by Secret Service agents in Colombia last
week during the Latin American economic summit, keep on asking about
where the proof is of what really goes on in hotel rooms with security
agents while officials conduct talks about sustenance for their countries.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku, Hawaii 96708

Monday, March 12, 2012

Excerpt from note sent to ad hoc press contacts via Facebook

(first two paragraphs edited sent 3/12/12)

Based on verification by former officials at this place of residence, there are multiple ad hoc plans for transition into safe haven for Yukie Karen Yamada. Such plans include known and specific news contacts/officials who do not have a conflict of interest having received voice messages directly from my cell phone, and messages from my proprietary social media sites, from email and via hand-written notes sent via a Maui fax site.

In the event of urgent transport, Joseph Biden will contact directly by phone known and specific journalists who have been in contact with him re: this incident of wire/id fraud from Joseph Biden's Facebook page with a msg delivered to Yukie Karen Yamada's site/email. This fraudulent msg carries the name of a person who has been named on

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Urgent msg sent via web email 3/10/12

Urgent: wifi wire hacking at this private site on Maui. Pls fwd this msg directly to news contact (confidential contact name) who received my Facebook note from Yukie Karen Yamada re: hacked social media sites from elected officials reported per Maui fax to such officials. From victim's perspective, I am attacking financial crimes related to repeated exploitation use of civilian's privacy while victims receive no due process nor legitimacy from law enforcement, state agencies and criminal justice agencies. Letters Yukie has received denied need to address cyber terror crimes in information systems on local, state and federal level despite flaws in Patriot Act laws being exposed by all press.
NO INTEREST IN ANN CURRY AS CONTACT FOR ME, pls receive this on 3/10/12 No further contact via this email from Yukie Karen Yamada. My support is ad hoc condemning all Stryker Weiner contact via NYT, CNN, NPR and SF Chronicle.
Each news groups has been able to authenticate above intent.
Case against criminal, malicious, terroristic use of information systems, including but not limited to telecom, wifi, internet and systems designated for private sector use only. Civilians live with dead court system, drug corruption and no cyber agency to receive complaints as reported in the local press.

All rights and ownership on my privacy and those who claim to have contact with Yukie Yamada in person in past and in perpetuity belong to my terms for transition for safe haven designation and self-governance model based on existing legislation. My safe have designation proposal has been received by technology design executives.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Hawaii 96708

Friday, March 9, 2012

THE PILE by Yukie Karen Yamada

See Yukie Yamada's other Twitter newsletter THE PILE and
her column Daily Slice, aka Eyes Ears Tongue.

Her own news Bulletin Update for Leaders and Lawmakers:
Special High Intensity Training (BULLSHIT) was written and
started from the computer at the Unemployment Center in
Wailuku in 2008.

Advise Congress and/or Criminal Justice agencies that those
who are with deepest conflicts of interests have been reading
my newsletters on the internet since December 2009. If they
in Congress and those in investigative groups form their own
ad hoc urgent response team to review all details, I'm certain
that the rest of the world's thinking population will see that
it was a conspiracy of silence by Democrats in Hawaii and in
California that caused this mess, and not a major conspiracy
against humanity by America.

Prepare for the best, but always expect the worst has been my
motto for over 6 years. Claim your turf for having served all
self-sovereign souls, and demand renumeration if you have in
all consistency carried the message that enough is enough. Lies
by stakeholders and leaders are known and proven.

The world's stage has been watching the sort of hubris that in
all access of legitimacy, chose to remain in the dark about such
details found on Yukie Yamada's newsletters.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Maui

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Dear Monster! So many faux Monsters have shown up recently,
wagging, nagging, gagging in Yukie's sphere of private influence.
They are not Monsters who have known Fernie since 2007, tho'
we finally got the Postal Inspector call in from the federal agent
who confirmed mail fraud/tampering from a Maui Post Office
in 2008-09. After Yukie received a letter from the Investigative
Office in Chicago, she confirmed with the Post Master and his
employee on Maui who recommended she make this complaint.

Wouldn't ya know, it was a tampered delivery of a letter sent via
certified mail with return receipt to the Navy Criminal Investiga-
tive Services after Yukie spoke and corresponded per email in an
effort to understand their jurisdiction. Seems that suspicious
tampering of a delivered letter resulted in a call from both a male
and female investigator.

Well, it all goes together. The private intel firm from Austin, TX
that got 5 million memos leaked from WikiLeaks last week have
defense contractor clients who are in Hawaii with their so-called
risk-reduction programs and R&D harvesting of intel.

Should u wonder, Yukie claims that while deprived of gainful
income and legitimate business access since 2004, commensurate
of known experience and capabilities, any type of news exposing
intricacies within private intel firms, cause and effect of cash flow
in Hawaii's economy is of interest to her. After all, many will and
have reported stolen intellectual programmatic property from
her own development used without her name and permission.

It all goes together, really. reporting on how classified
$$ is funneled around the world in the "shadow" budgets with few
checks and balances and how monies are used for experimentation
is part of the intrigue in minds of Americans who are hurting for
financial security. How does information get harvested, for whom
and for whose profit?

Blame private sector pressures on intelligence-led policing with
dead court systems, and you'll find the Blondie Matinee at Maui
Police Department in support of our drug-free community. My
request has been to contact the US AG in CA Fresno for any type
of meth/marijuana related links to their investigation.

Yes, I called Fox News regional offices with names of former fed
officials who will confirm their knowledge of Hawaii's fall from
cyber intelligence grace as a state with no cyber investigative team.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Maui

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Points of Integration for News, Congress, Policy, Life

See Facebook page for Congressman Honda and Congressman
Steve LaTourette today's entries from Yukie Karen Yamada. Her
recent review of TNW's The Next Web tech geek info source site
from Delaware informed her that there is sufficient structure to
move into a public process.

Nice to read that Twitter did not get taken over by the IPO "more
money more stakeholders or else" hype in the news media. Many
still don't understand that Facebook and Twitter offer function
and access to citizens and civilians to info systems that previously
were only known to the "special" elites who run intelligence type
structures. It's all about application of knowledge and need now.

Crisis reporting in different areas of the world may be related to
the "vulnerabilities" reported in industrial control information type
systems as reported in Tell officials to get on the news
media to discuss patterns of information infrastructure chaos.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Update: Which Officials, Where & When?

If your carnivorous instinct is arising based on sudden flashes of
realization of intentional malice and policy hypocrisy, feel glad not
frustrated and repressed. It's the thirst for life blood of spoken
truth for those who believe our government has failed to a degree
that other structures must be found for transitional haven.

Consider Facebook or Twitter features and functions. After all, it
changed Northern and East African governments in unpredictable
ways this past year. The mind is a terrible thing to waste, folks.

Find out how to verify elected officials news lines on Facebook and
Twitter. Who manages the accounts, who creates them, who instills
the propaganda and for whose benefit? If it seems similar to the
message machinery of other internet or cable news sources, please
note that the Dept of Defense and State Department in Washington
DC both carry gigantic budgets for media relations/advertising, etc.

Ask officials and see what they say. It may be that they, too, are in
some type of entrapped bubble of false information. The next phase
of the internet is found on sites that bring information from most
economic structures seeking to integrate with digital. I've done my
best to let them know that my identity has been used fraudulently
on some of these systems, including some news-related sites.

No drugs allowed. And by all means, report and fraud/faux/fake
claims by anyone posing as Secret Service agents. As the IRS knows,
Secret Service works in more effective ways with system-based

Flare Network, the internet newsletter in Italy that writes about such
things, needs a little poke now that they are seeing direct policy results.
Some of their photographs are from a group wanting attention badly from
formal officials/agencies. No, I don't corrrespond with Flare Network's
reporter named Adelstein who always has a mouthful to say about Yakuza
activities with porn, drugs, contraband etc in the red-light areas in Tokyo.
Never been to Japan myself. Don't have to since I have that special ancient
Asian wisdom feeling as my genetic birth right.

Some who have their own involvement to force accountability for
tactics of political slavery and oppression in Hawaii wonder if I am
still working with Democrat officials named on my newsletters.

Well, it's likely the named officials have concluded that based on
overwhelming testimony and verifiably false information by those
who are card-carrying members representing Democrats, and
Democrat Americans only, they could easily create a crisis-based
talk through their own emergency mechanism. After all, Yukie is
not a Democrat and will not profit any known Democrat policy.

Accept the reality of America's government in present time. Our
two-party system run by defense contractor media relations on the
West Coast has been exposed to the world. For the record, Yukie
has no interest nor contact with the New York Times. Any and
all contact with NYTimes journalist David Shipley in past years
is now terminated.

In the meantime, support existing enterprise networks. Many
on know that Maui has all the structure it needs to prosper. It's
really just filling the service/consumer needs of everyday life.
Food, shelter, education, healthcare and fun.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


More requests were made today via Facebook, email, phone
calls and Twitter to verify a message/email from Facebook's
Joseph Biden's account. My request with Dept. of Commerce
and with others in technology reporting was to let him know
of a likely fraudulent email sent from his Facebook account.

Considering how to achieve safe have location designation w/
extraordinary demonstrated malice by stakeholders in Hawaii
who claim legitimate authority resembles the quagmire that
all voters face with this defunct Obama White House. No such
thing as institutional moral cause found for years . . . perhaps
nothing of the sort existed for some in political circles.

Given my experience, these contacts were given notice of my
proprietary internet newsletters acknowledged by United
Press International and FLARE Network so that they might
understand the details of my statement about confronting the
criminal symbiotic relationship found with organized crime,
industry and commerce in information systems.

Opportunistic investigation tactics with wire fraud crimes
should be everyone's concern. I have questions about the role
Biden has had in this corrupt White House and w/involvement
with policies that created conditions for corrupt practices and
endangerment during the years of formal complaints.

For the record, my victimization is a result of leniency with
illegal drug violations, patterns of fraud waste abuse in health-
care and social services subsidies administered by Democratic
policy stakeholders and the perception created by the arrest of
Obama's own Chief Technology Officer's consultant reported
sparsely in April 2009.

Contact with officials should be in the context of what I
consider to be in the interest of addressing deep mistrust
and betrayal the public has felt w/our government. Any type
of compromise would only serve to reward those who have
believed that political slavery and malicious abuse of power
is the real American way.

I've also placed an alert with agencies, including the IRS
and tax attorneys, that my name might be used fraudulently
for criminal purposes while living in hardship and deprived
of rights and protection.

Those responsible for these ongoing terror crimes here
in Hawaii and elsewhere should expect the worst. Who,
how, when, where etc. should Yukie receive formal and
legitimate contact? In this climate of disparate beliefs
and intention has been fertile ground for the sleaze terror
operatives who thrive on the lowest moral instinct.

Stay tuned, it may be confidential, take your chances call
and say "hello". Yukie likes those with bravado.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Maui 96708
808 264-1514 (turned off today 2/4/12)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Yukie Yamada: Wire Terror Victim Designated by Dept of Commerce

Dear Dept. of Commerce,

Yes, Yukie Yamada sent you an email about pervasive wire
hacking found on Google emails, social media networks and
ongoing loss of password access.

The problem with recent FRAUD enforcement policy efforts
is that the greater the problem, the bigger the budget to try
and find those darn cyber crime terror mother fuckers. Just
like with "risk reduction" funding logic: the more violence in
the streets related to drugs, the bigger your City budget.

When funding is directly related to # of reported crime and
violations, rather than systematic outcome based structure
and mechanisms, well - we have lots of drugs, violence, rock
and roll galore for years!

Gratefully, press reports have condemned Hawaii for their
years worth of failed efforts for all sorts of "wire" activities
like covering up slave labor at 6 commercial farms for over
4 years, grade "F" for cyber crime responses (see front page
of the Honolulu newspaper), hacking by Romanian and even
Russian sources into State procurement databases.

Now that you see the FRAUD patterns in Hawaii, you know
that nobody here should receive any reward, nor budget to do
the right thing and investigate in a timely manner. Especially
since during recent APEC 2011 activities news reporting in
local press demonstrated a lack of awareness of what insider
trading crimes are.

Thanks for receiving my email and for eliminating parasites
and pests so quickly. I know Facebook and Twitter social media
networking sites can tell you an earful about what really takes
place with accounts used during tourists stay in paradise.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Maui
808 264-1514

Caught Them Red-Handed Shame Faced

Yesterday, social media network company Facebook had the
hype of the decade with it's IPO filing Securities Exchange doc
on the internet as proof. Going from a private company to a
publicly-traded company, meaning more stakeholders thus
more profit, has impact on how Facebook participates with
any privacy-related investigations.

A couple of months ago, Facebook settled complaints by
consumers who went public with the Federal Trade Commission.
Now, questions are being aired in today's article. I
tried to send a copy with a msg from my Yukie Karen Yamada
Facebook account. Unfortunately, no article arrived to my
own account nor to Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook. See
Facebook's page for my blurb about this incident
of lost sent messaging from Facebook.

My message to technology design executives and consumers is
about how to identify and separate different cyber problems. I
am a victim of wire terror/stalking with illegal drug harassment
and hate-crime violence incitement. These manifest through
use of words, language or images or through patterns of contact
with offensive contact.

Thinking about how this would be experienced in everyday life,
it is similiar to social media capabilities. For example, if I were
to view grocery shopping as a social activity, how is my sense of
safety or discomfort determined?

It is determined by certain things like how easily it is to walk
from the parking lot to the store. Do I feel at ease? Is eye contact
from drivers or pedestrians welcome or not? Do drivers show
courtesy at the appropriate places for pedestrians? Is social
contact natural, spontaneous and mutual in casual activities at
the store? Is service received/provided promptly without any
type of interruption or disruption? Are consumers harassed
repeatedly with unwanted offers/invitations/comments? Do I
feel that all transactions are honorable as fair exchange?

In the case of Yukie Karen Yamada, none of the above is her own
daily experience in activities. Not in public nor on the internet.
Defining the experience of individual terror is subjective, but it
is likely that many live in some degree of terror all of their lives.
In particular, deprivation of political expression if one is not a
Democrat or not making money for Democrats, persecution is
pervasive, intense and overt in Hawaii.

Drug harassment/hate-crime violence incitement activities
on the internet constitute cyber stalking harassment terror
crimes. This should be viewed as different than what has been
experienced by whole systems or businesses with cyber terror
and hacking patterns.

Cyber terror against sytems vs. cyber fraud vs. cyber crimes
like illegal drug or contraband trafficking and hate crimes incite-
ment against individuals or groups.

My efforts for safe haven designation on social media sites are
based on years of being harassed, stalked, ripped off and violated.
Safe haven accounts could be contractual agreements with a willing-
ness to participate in identifying threats/crimes for immediate
enforcement. Freedom from privacy violations by the fangs of
organized crime, industry commerce and stupidity on the internet.

My own account is seeking to provide such a mechanism of support
and safety for independent enterprise, individual victims and those
who want self-publishing protection. Media-relations, events and
production enterprise to promote safe, reliable, individualized use
of social media networking: Wild Fern's Media, Events/Production.

If anyone has issues sending articles to Facebook or any
other account, please notify them of this problem today. The articles
found on are invaluable for consumer-based advocacy in
this time when investors are chomping at the bit for Facebook and
Twitter control.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Maui
808 264-1514

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pre-recorded News Event w/Officials Advised to Reduce Risk

Sporadic, uncoordinated patterns of wire fraud terror that may
or may not correspond with drug larceny, human trafficking and
mortgage/financial fraud activities create havoc in daily lives.
My own experience of having felt a kind of betrayal and mistrust
for institutional form is inevitable after years of failed responses.

This is a symptom of a larger problem, and a problem for many
citizens and businesses. My suggestion is for those officials who
know of my ad hoc process for formal acknowledgment and safe
haven protection is to have a pre-recorded news event.

My contact with UPI on their twitter site about urban terror hot
spots, as described by START anti-terror agency at the University
of Maryland, included the name of Senator Tom Carper. Likely, a
Cyberfelony Secret Service DHS contact investigating patterns
of terror finance crimes can verify any links to Hawaii.

It would also be recommended that social media networks be
seen as a source of information from consumer account holders.
As digital news lift-up sites are integrated, multi-level software
services are needing to beef up their safety and reliability.

My text/email to the Baltimore Sun provided a request to
identify the male person who claims access to VP Biden's own
Facebook account. It is likely that the Washington Post in
their National Desk has insight on which Congress members
have written articles and messages from Yukie Yamada about
policy-based corruption during her victimization.

At-home living sites should be seen as a place for privacy and
for rest. My complaints in past years have been the use of "live"
wire with news groups in an exploitive manner. This tactic is
used by drug surveillance networks to "take down" a site. This
obviously carries many unknown variables and risks. It was a
tip from a former police officer who knew of such abuses.

Any on record inquiry about such abuses here on Maui with my
life and privacy will receive on record documentation of those
who may have been part of an illegal operation. If this is known
and acknowledged by officials in a manner that includes formal
requests and protective measures, there is no shortage of info.

Lack of formal, legitimate process by Hawaii's officials was
deliberate based on what abuses were reported for years. It
will expose a network of larceny operatives who believed there
were no such checks and balances in our system of justice.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Hawaii
808 264-1514

Warning: Unsolicited Calls from Publishing Company

Recent telemarketing text messages are a problem. Receiving
unsolicited calls from publishing companies when there are clear
statements that I am self-publishing with those who defend my
right to dignity, free affiliation and freedom from slime harass-
ment from groups who care little for decency.

Who are they? Advertisements found on lift-up news sites
for organized criminal activities, such companies have already
been reported to the appropriate agencies for business ethics,
likely suspect intellectual hacking while I am formalizing my
statements with officials for safe haven and protection from all
organized crime incursion into my legitimate enterprises.

Consider that my complaints were made from a home computer
in Hauula, near Laie, on Oahu acknowledged by then US AG in
Honolulu as having been received. His office is implicated for
having received written correspondence from the White Collar
Investigations in HPD since 2006 to shut down my complaints.
Why? HPD did not receive any formal complaint from Yukie,
only a preliminary contact with sent email.

Consider what the stakes are when corrupt finance, industrial
intelligence, money laundering, drug larceny groups have much
to hide in Hawaii and San Francisco. Two of the most Democrat
places on earth. No, Democrats do not support individual and
political freedoms when they don't make money.

Take that to the GAO and to those who do not have a conflict
of interest. Prepare for the worst to be known in Hawaii and
with industrial policy groups in California. Also, call the US
Attorney General in Fresno CA Andre Briotte about shutting
down medical marijuana clinics for endangerment in CA.

By the way, please verify a visit to San Francisco by VP Biden
in the Summer of 2004. See if he is able to confirm visits by
Secret Service agents in late 2003 to a deli near Little China-
town. The name of the deli was used by Yukie in her emails
to herself from her workplace and from Kinkos on Geary.

Their appearance at this site near Little Chinatown during
day hours was confirmed by a federal police officer who lived
in this neighborhood while Yukie lived there. For those who
are looking to address cultural sensitivity, say that in present
times we need to acknowledge intra-cultural class tensions in
all groups as well as reverse discrimination cases.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Maui
808 264-1514

Monday, January 30, 2012

Having Trouble with Google? Time to Stalk the Hacker

If you're having trouble with your Google email account,
join the crowd of email consumers having Google hacked.
Read the news. Even Mark Zuckerburg, CEO of Facebook
had fraudulent google emails sent from his account.

Yes, it's time to stalk the stalker of Google accounts here
in Hawaii. After all, take a look at the wire. Google has a
page for those having trouble saying that is
no longer accessible from Germany. Perhaps Germany is
aware that Google search engine and their recent efforts
to expand into social media networking to compete with
Facebook and Twitter are producing security glitches.

FYI: my on Twitter
and accounts have repeated hack-
in patterns reported to Twitter company. Local parasites
causing wire fraud/id fraud are busily find ways to interfere
with factual information that could be valuable to the
majority of the population.

The best option for rapid, permanent elimination of such
efforts? Call Republican Sensenbrenner about his press
release to confront this corrupt President and his corrupt
Attorney General for Fast and Furious transnational weapons
disaster in Arizona recently. His recommendations are aligned
with Congress Issa CA and Senator Grassley IO condemning
enforcement tactics that aid and abet violent crimes.

Since NY State Attorney General and the Department of
Justice had their major press event on January 27, 2012 on
c-span announcing their major investigation of financial
crimes with Housing Urban Development, I called my own
testimony to discredit any Democrat-led investigation of
such crimes in Hawaii. Calls were made to Issa, who has
been on CNN in past months calling this corrupt President
the worst of all corrupt Presidents.

But whah!? What's the connection between transnational
information systems, weapons contraband with Mexican
drug cartels and an investigation about financial crimes in
our government agencies? Drugs = financial corruption.
a=b b=a straight reflection, no logic required.

It may be the West Coast defense contractor message info
machinery who arranged for the DOJ press event on the
27th last week got caught isolated with their pants down.

They'll soon start reporting that California, being the 21st
largest economy in the world, supports a Rolling Stone Mag
story featuring counter-terror agent 07782989 with my
former informant from Oakland/SF Chocolate Granola Boy.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Maui 96708

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


My account has a security glitch.
I've been trying to delete the top listing @szoneus article
that received the Rolling Stones article about what really
is going on in our market system. It was a test.

Unfortunately, totalitarian parasites who think they can
justify their existence as hacking perpetrators against some-
one like Yukie Yamada who has been on the internet for over
2 years with all details don't know that they are the problem.

It's hard to imagine such technologies of eavesdropping or
hacking in the hands of those who don't stand for any form
of Constitutional check and balance within an industrial
force of known forcible exertion of will. They don't consider
that their puny status and lack of function only exists due
to laws from this Constution that allowed them access.

The site found with @szoneus is a curiosity, isn't it? Some
sites found on the internet appear to be a recipe for forming
allusions and thought forms within advertising and policy
news groups. This type of collage with informal source of
information is nothing more that a manufactured reality for
those who do not carry a higher instinct to protect and
preserve fundamental rights and principles.

Full engagement was noted in the press with news reports
yesterday of significant incidents, events to engage different
federal systems with specific on record legal processes that
have already been reported for years on the news.

I called in the Washington Post to look into the recent news
about Supreme Court voting when it comes to using nazi type
police GPS with local enforcement to track known dangerous
individuals. Has it occurred to anyone that there are known
verifiable means to do this without industrial grade devices?

Well, if intelligence-led policing has funds to investigate with-
out checks and balances using industrial and total control devices,
should that be a concern for Hawaii where dead court systems
give advantage to drug users abusers and larceny specialists?

Yes, it should. All the above as well as victims will be part of
the utopian industrial complex of police states. Soon we'll be
eating corn on the cob lunch from the corn cob growing out of
our ears to save time, energy and thought.

I heard about a guy who worked in the Kahului Airport, perhaps
in the security area, who showed up to work everyday wearing
his nazi garb. Those who made reasonable complaints about him
did not get much of a response. Maybe the nazi is in the security
industry, guys. And maybe they don't like drugs as much as they
like having total control of those who use illegal drugs.

In 2008, Yukie used her own cell phone to call owners of the
largest security companies listed in Maui's phone book. She told
them that there were incidents of privacy violations in her life
for years that had been reported, and that such activities were
part of money laundering crimes.

She informed them that all crime incidents had been verified on
record, but criminal groups exploited what is known to be a security
industry subject to types of racketeering against victims not support-
ed by Hawaii's Democrat regime. It is a conspiracy. Even those
who are implicated for Democrat corruption are targeted.

I'm reasonable on record with what can be verified by myself. I
am not so reasonable when it comes to dealing with things that
I know as a fact but cannot verify to others. That is the joy and
right of someone who is declaring herself "self-governing". My
right to decide and define my course has alignment with what is
currently the most important need: to demonstrate moral cause
in defense of my right to prosperity, dignity and privacy.

Democrats know that my actions have attacked what has been
known for years. I do not state anything disagreeable. See how
some institutions feign indifference and a lack of moral cause?
It's just a test of will and exertion of survival.

Democrats fall in love when they are faced with a grim reality.
Republicans fall in line. That is the mantra. I continue to exert
my right to live free from partisan bullshit in my enterprise.

aka Fern decided to set up a separate "protectorate" state to
claim her right to prosperity for her historical place in America
and for those who defended her right to live in dignity. It is a
separate renumeration course than for Yukie Yamada as terror
torture self-governing victim/survivor.

aka Fern has become her own renumeration self-defense entity
through legislation and with assistance from officials who have
direct proof of Yukie's status as terror/torture survivor. Her
character, aka Fern, extended into the material realm to protect
national/state stability while under attack from terroristic and
malicious perpetrators. Formal verification complete.

Recipients are known based on their demonstrated and
documented commitment established for a number of years
at tremendous risk to themselves.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Maui
808 264-1514

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Email From VP Biden Reported to Balitimore Sun 1/21/12

From Yukie Yamada aka Fern: email sent to my address was noted last week. I sent
a corresponding message to Facebook Joseph Biden's page
asking for authentication. My second fax to his office in
Washington DC repeated my complaints of wire hacking
from Haiku to Kaneohe.

Worrisome trends abound. It is now reported on the web
internet newsletters of that there are "holes" in
the top 6 industrial control systems. Having identified such
vulnerabilities, systems are being allowed to be hacked to
emphasize the need for urgent/emergent discussion and
intervention in our country.

Reports since 2008 suggests that the now infamous hack-
operation "Anonymous" has splintered from the Empire of
Evil within our own critical infrastructure in America for
strategic strikes as reported in the recent news. They are
targeting sources of major defense contractor/advertising
type information systems to dismantle it's oppressive hold
on policy, thought forms in news systems and technology.

My own statement: to live free and clear from the corrupt
and cruel influences of industry, commerce, and organized
criminal influences after over 10 years of making repeated
verifiable complaints. The harmful cause and effect of this
type of activity, of having civilians targeted in their effort
to live in free affiliation requires immediate attention for
the hardships Yukie has had to experience.

The failure to respond by Hawaii's officials reflects the
mindset that such industrial vulnerabilities could never
be proven in any realistic manner. They were wrong.
I am prepared to declare my right to safe haven at any
minute of the day now. It is a global issue.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Maui
808 264-1514

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wifi Wire Terror: Symptom of Larger Problem

Dear Monster,

Wifi wire terror alert sent out to the CEO of Facebook and
Twitter, as well as technology specialists at the Wall St. Journal
about wifi terror patterns described in Haiku since 2010. It was
also described to magazine, the source of information
about terror transnational lines involved with illegal trafficking
of organs, humans, child porn and even stolen real estate info
from proprietary accounts.

For your information, such patterns are the precursor for all
types of corrupt practices that are found only in places where
there is a dead court system and corruption in the hearts and
minds of the most "educated" types.

Tears and good byes to "monster" from the site where critics
had derided all efforts to address corruption as naive. These
critics who barely existed in their own minds as humans never
met Yukie. Monster said that protective status provided by
aka Fern the Neo Con is a fine thing as long as Donald Rumsfeld
didn't force them to tell him about bioterror within pharmaceu-
ticals in Mexico.

Confirming suspicious emails from one of the accounts listed
as Facebook Joseph Biden. It was an individual who doesn't seem
to know that VP Biden, or former VP Biden by now, has been
a voice to address wire fraud, cyber threats in the Pacific Rim
as relevant and critical with China being ever present during
a U.S.A economic collapse desperately seeking cash reserves.

Yukie did have her real estate license in CA, tho' she never did
have interest in business there. Recently, those who know that
the worst wire fraud in the history of Hawaii is in real estate
found out that Yukie's experience living and working on such
"ag" properties on Maui has value to those who are interested
in how to protect privacy and to identify illegal drug patterns.

Yukie has never, nor would she ever work with any real estate
company here on Maui, especially since any known corruption
or perception of corruption would increase endangerment to
lives. It is unfortunate to have to say this, but it is the standard
perception that Japanese Americans rule Maui's real estate.

Her message to Facebook press office is about establishing safe
haven Facebook accounts for independent enterprises like her
knowledge-based media relations events production concept for
protection of wire fraud terror victims.

"Safe Haven" designation accounts would be for those who have
established a record of having addressed wire/id fraud related to
illegal drug crimes or hate crimes. It would also apply to those who
are mandated by law to report drugs, fraud waste and abuse. These
individuals are the most targeted by government and legal systems
that profit from drug crimes.

Yukie Yamada is now trying to establish a formal process with
Congressman Mike Honda and Senator Chuck Grassley to ensure
that any contact with Senator Diane Feinstein acknowledges her
role on Narcotics Senate Caucus as a possible conflict of interest.
Likely, Feinstein can prove documentation of her involvement in
Yukie's situation as clearing herself from such conflicts.

p.s. - Look for Yukie's hand-written notes about her ad hoc plan
for formal protection and business assistance on bulletin boards
at a grocery store nearby.

Haiku Maui
January 17, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

Hey, Monster! I Found My Filet Minon Update 1/11/12

From Yukie Yamada, also known as Fern,

Looking for tender, juicy, quality filet minon? I found my
supply of filet minon that had been stolen from me by all the
Democrat clams looking for nirvana. My wish list for the
year 2012 is now out! First things first: steam open clams!

Now that Time Person of the Year, the Protestor, is known
world-wide as the symbol for an economic engine of resist-
ance to all legitimate authority gone berserk, others are also
finding their social media voice to claim rights and owner-
ship to their stories.

Hawaii, the concubine den of complete and absolute commit-
ment to suppressing the right to ones own independent thought,
has been defeated in the only way that counts. The economy,
stupid. As they say, jobs, jobs, jobs for those willing to work
for a living rather than stealing for their needs.

The announced Consumer Financial Fraud Bureau from this
Prezy' Press Office this past week is late and reactionary. They
know that the way to control the public is to make the public
work for rights that are supposedly guaranteed. I say, make
all public officials prove they earn their power and privileges.
At this point, who in the world believes what this White House
says? After all, it was HIS Chief Technology Officer exposed
in April 2009 for having a consultant arrested for fraud.

The clams are now cracked open a little more. See? My wish
list is to have Stryker Weiner, the PR firm from APEC 2011 on
the chopping block with the Government Accountability Fraud
Office for news reporting patterns of contempt before, during
and after the November 2011 event in Honolulu.

Say, "criminal trade and barter from smut factory-economic
structure with drug larceny" is a terrible thing to do during this
period when dialogue for Asia Pacific warfare has increased due
to cyber warfare mongering by Obama and federal agencies. It
might harm innocent people. destroy emerging democracies.
Rember: exposing drug crimes=exposing drug terror fiancing.
We want truth and accountability.

Wish List 2012: Acknowledgment from Congressman Honda in
San Jose of my hand-written faxed documents from Makawao on
January 6, 2012, likewise with Senator Feinstein, likewise from
Senator Chuck Grassley from Iowa since August 2012 reporting
wire terror, patterns of terror crimes from having failed to take
rapid action by local law enforement for years.

Acknowledgment from Speaker John Boehner from Ohio of my
hand-writtern faxed documents from Kinkos in January 2009 re:
criminal emergency on Maui due to patterns of wire terror and
failed rapid response to drug crimes in neighborhoods. This is
about ths same time even this Prezy said on cable news that we
have terror in our information systems and critical infrastructure
on our American turf!

Get rid of this Democrat White House, have Democrats steamed
to open up their closed, tight little minds to admit, submit and see
what George W. Bush has to say about wire terror in the Pacific
related to patterns of drug corruption.

Go ahead. Make my day, Democrats. If you speak as a group and
blend in together, you may even feel that special group power that
comes from perpetrating terror crimes for profit together, snug
and cozy in a well-publicized place watched by former combat and
field soldiers from Falluja, Ramadhi, Bahgdad, etc.

Confirm my internal email to Kaneohe Marine Base about such
recent news patterns with APEC 2011 PR firm Stryker Weiner also
on January 6. 2011 from Makawao. Have them ask visiting VP Biden
what he knew and when he knew it of Democrat stakeholder efforts
to contact him while carrying a conflict of interest re: Hawaii's wire
terror and patterns of drug larceny corruption.

Acknowledgment from VP Biden's office in Washington DC that he
received my hand-written fax from Makawao 1/6/12 to 202 456-2461
asking for authentication of his Facebook page. I chose to carry his
account on the front page of my visible Facebook account for several
days last week. I now have Jane Harman's account on my page. It
must be verified that he has cleared himself from conflicts of interest
with corrupt Democrat policy/partisan stakeholders to have direct
involvement with safe have site with Yukie Karen Yamada.

Eliminate competing interests hold by Commerce and the technology
industry to control regulation of investigations on the internet, and
rather write legislation from a consumer's perspective with on record
statements from terror wire victims like Yukie Karen Yamada. Insert
language to acknowledge that health providers mandated by law to
report FRAUD WASTE ABUSE as professionals should be known as
a designated category for hate-crimes on the internet and phone.

Drug addicts get housing subsidies to live in "privacy" to continue any
and all forms of "personal choice" behavior in the comfort of their own
rural homestead here on Maui. Why not victims of drug crimes? Oh,
com'on Democrats! Call is a budget of accountability rather than one
of dependence. Some Democrats don't use drugs, I know a few.

As for an immediate physical presence on Maui by officials and others
who have no conflict of interest to assist and protect Yukie from such
ongoing tactics of hate, degradation, mad cow group schizo attacks, I
will accept Democrats Honda, Feinsten, former Harman, Biden, Obey
and non-partisan known figures to accompany any Republican who is
on record charging this President and Hawaii's Senators for a failed
response to wire/drug corruption.

By the way, ask Delaware Senator Carp for an explanation of their own
state law providing permission for 6 ounces of pot for medical weed
permit holders while Mexico exposes another 32 tones of marijuana at
the CA/Mexico border tunnel.

Yukie Yamada
Haiku Hawaii