Saturday, February 4, 2012


More requests were made today via Facebook, email, phone
calls and Twitter to verify a message/email from Facebook's
Joseph Biden's account. My request with Dept. of Commerce
and with others in technology reporting was to let him know
of a likely fraudulent email sent from his Facebook account.

Considering how to achieve safe have location designation w/
extraordinary demonstrated malice by stakeholders in Hawaii
who claim legitimate authority resembles the quagmire that
all voters face with this defunct Obama White House. No such
thing as institutional moral cause found for years . . . perhaps
nothing of the sort existed for some in political circles.

Given my experience, these contacts were given notice of my
proprietary internet newsletters acknowledged by United
Press International and FLARE Network so that they might
understand the details of my statement about confronting the
criminal symbiotic relationship found with organized crime,
industry and commerce in information systems.

Opportunistic investigation tactics with wire fraud crimes
should be everyone's concern. I have questions about the role
Biden has had in this corrupt White House and w/involvement
with policies that created conditions for corrupt practices and
endangerment during the years of formal complaints.

For the record, my victimization is a result of leniency with
illegal drug violations, patterns of fraud waste abuse in health-
care and social services subsidies administered by Democratic
policy stakeholders and the perception created by the arrest of
Obama's own Chief Technology Officer's consultant reported
sparsely in April 2009.

Contact with officials should be in the context of what I
consider to be in the interest of addressing deep mistrust
and betrayal the public has felt w/our government. Any type
of compromise would only serve to reward those who have
believed that political slavery and malicious abuse of power
is the real American way.

I've also placed an alert with agencies, including the IRS
and tax attorneys, that my name might be used fraudulently
for criminal purposes while living in hardship and deprived
of rights and protection.

Those responsible for these ongoing terror crimes here
in Hawaii and elsewhere should expect the worst. Who,
how, when, where etc. should Yukie receive formal and
legitimate contact? In this climate of disparate beliefs
and intention has been fertile ground for the sleaze terror
operatives who thrive on the lowest moral instinct.

Stay tuned, it may be confidential, take your chances call
and say "hello". Yukie likes those with bravado.

Yukie Yamada
aka Fern
Haiku Maui 96708
808 264-1514 (turned off today 2/4/12)

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