Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Declaration of Self-Sovereignty 7/4/11

Dear Monster,

The Master is known and defeated in the USA. Now
the Master is watching to see if Americans will lead
themselves into self-governance. The Master is, of
course, the evil Mr. Logistics Monster.

As always, on July 4th we get to read the document
that birthed our country. This Declaration of Indep-
endence provides the moral, legal and political form
to create one's own national destiny based on what
is established as malicious abuse of power. When it
is clearly established that identifiable institutional
powers betray repeatedly human life, dignity and
safety, there is cause to abolish such ties.

Not exactly like a divorce, but the betrayal of our
decadent and ignorant American population seems
to resemble the human response to finding out that
your partner has intentionally deceived you in the
most intimate and cruel manner.

Boo-hoo. Yukie has little sympathy for Americans
running around schizo these days, feeling like it all
doesn't quite fit together. I mean, didn't this idea
occur to them in past decades? After all, if someone
were to take a look objectively at polices and their
outcomes since my birth in 1961, it seems clear that
there is a little self-imposed deception, doesn't it?

A couple of years ago on the 4th of July, there were
news reports that government websites were targeted
in a coordinated way: Dept of Transportation, Dept
of Treasury, Secret Service and Federal Trade Commi-
ssion. Plus, all banks in South Korea. All in the same
period for 24-hours. duh.

Act of terror or an act of engaged response by the men
in black coats? Hard to say. Now, all nations say our
information systems lack a coordinated policy plan.

Yes, it's a symptom of a larger problem. We are not
safe, nor are our fundamental rights protected. Since
this premise is now imprinted in the minds of those
who lived for and by affirmations of positive thoughts
as food for life, Americans may yet save their souls.

haha. Just do it. Do the correct thing.


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