Saturday, July 2, 2011

Update: 7-3-11 from Maui

Dear Monster,

Formalizing my process with Congress members who
are on record with my detailed urgent calls and details
found within health care and services programs here.
My suggestion to a number of press contacts included
former Democrat Rep. Jane Harman who resigned in
February from Congress. As Chair of Sub-Intelligence
Department of Homeland Security Gang Intelligence,
she has a "systemic" response along with California's
shame with recent developments.

Her Washington DC office knows that proposed laws
and policies re: telecom companies and consumer choice
for geolocation devices have been on record with two
Congressmembers: Wyden from Oregon and Chaffetz
from Utah. Both know that the telecom industry and
consumers need have choices.

Optimal and fluid conditions for exposing massive and
stinky corrupt systems linked to known mobsters and
financial figures internationally from So California, as
reported by msnbc. By the way, my vote for NBC's idea
for a non-stop 24-hour television news station for CA
was "no". Not until they talk about the drug policies.

Minimal input from Fernie now due to petty on ground
interference with live petty spies.


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