Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Defining Perpetrators of Corrupt Policies

Dear Monster,

The scoop about our gourmet Mayor dining in La Perouse with certain
real estate and Rotary business networks last Saturday was a smashing
surprise. In response, local radio news KNUI 900 reported on Monday
that the gourmet Mayor had a "bonus" $20 million for the poor in our
County. Like myself, having received food from local food bank sites
during my financial hardship with the State of Hawaii denying me full
benefits on food stamps even while qualifying last year, I can atest to the
poverty. Forced poverty in my case by those who did so intentionally.

"They" are shriveled, paranoid and with an intractable, stiff smile in
the halls of power these days with their own financial prospects still
saying that "we have to see the cup half-full" bullshit and find charity
to feed the sheep. Now, what do the saucey Democrats on their well-
known foundations say while trying to create the impression that my
-uh- accomplishments are somehow part of "their" proud legacy.

My experience is part of their dead legacy of descendants of farm
labor immigrants who took the bull by the horns, pulled themselves
from their boot strap with the good graces of white political leaders
who saw that they could make it on their own. They became part of
the administrators of all mono-crop agricultural corporations, even
Board of Directors as these companies went into commercial real
estate development for the visitor industry.

Maui Land and Pine, now exposed for the latest massive illegal
Visa slave labor scandal reported last week in all press with the FEDS
here to see if slave labor and illegal drug trafficking exist in the very
information systems financed by these major ag companies. Since
Maui Land and Pineapple shut down hundreds of pineapple jobs in
the past two years with Board of Directors not saying too much now
about their legacy that includes ongoing accusations of contamination
of ground water. Water rights - don't even start THAT discussion
says Alexander and Baldwin Corporation.

Sleepy tree huggers who love life on Maui as well as frustrated nature
protectors all have to take a look at their own actions. How is it that
one can have a real estate company, lobby for Democrat causes funded
by Democrat systems of commerce while enjoying illegal drugs and
decades of shared personal/professional affiliation exist in today's
reality of doing what is correct for all of Maui? Impossible.

Selective political outrage, when unconscious, is a safety risk to others.
When deliberate, it is a cynical form of power and control that is known
and practiced by anyone with vested wealth or political power. It will
never be any other way. However, when the safety and fundamental
rights of the majority is imperiled because of a small percentage of vocal
committed drug adherents get support from the existing corrupt insider
business dealings, then we have a problem that eventually becomes a
national/international catastrophe.

Defining perpetrators, framing stories based on collective damage and
loss of victims from drug crimes, and putting the spotlight on those who
carry the most privilege from such corrupt profit incentives in risk reduction
services and intelligence-led policing policies is the news of the day.

By the way, the celebrity carwash on April 30th is at Ho'olea Terrace in
Kehalani on Maui. Proceeds for the victims of Japan's earthquake.


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